Imagine a bank account where $86,400 is automatically credited to the account holder each morning at 12.01am. However, the account carries over no balance and any amount left unused will be removed at exactly 12 midnight every day. What would you do if you own this bank account? You’ll withdraw every cent in the account every day before midnight without fail, wouldn’t you?
Most people have held a strong affection for television. A recent Nielson Media Research report shows that the average American spends 4 hours and 35 minutes watching TV per day. So, is watching too much TV really bad for us? Let's dig deeper into what some researchers found.
If you want to be ahead in your finances, you certainly need to plan for it and be organized. First and foremost, you must calculate your net worth. This is the most important starting point. Your net worth is the grand total of your assets minus your liabilities. It is a very useful tool to measure your financial progress. In determining your net worth, you need the financial information concerning all the things that you own and the debts that you owe.