A grateful person is a happy person. Many spiritual traditions maintain this. Even science backs the claim that gratitude makes people happier. It was found in scientific researches that grateful people experience lower levels of depression and stress. They also demonstrate higher levels of life satisfaction, positive emotions, optimism and vitality.
Let me share with you a story of a blind girl…
Imagine a bank account where $86,400 is automatically credited to the account holder each morning at 12.01am. However, the account carries over no balance and any amount left unused will be removed at exactly 12 midnight every day. What would you do if you own this bank account? You’ll withdraw every cent in the account every day before midnight without fail, wouldn’t you?
Is it more important to be rich or to be happy? I did a search on Google today. The search term “be rich” has about 1.15 billion results while the term “be happy” has more than double at 2.43 billion! Massive amounts of articles are written to meet the high demand of people searching for ways to be happy.
The Google search result (as at 2 June 2013) reveals that there are about 1.28 billion more articles written on being happy compared to that of being rich. Hence, we can presume that more people would argue that being happy is more important than being rich. |